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About CLCR Australia

How Can You Help?

We are a community-based not-for-profit organisation, run entirely by volunteers. We greatly appreciate any type of support that you can give, either as an individual, group or organisation.

With over 97% of all donations going to our Heartland school projects (Kathmandu and Palpa) and our Heartland centre for Women (HCW), Kathmandu we want you to know as a donor that your funds have the power to significantly change the lives of the students and communities we work with across Nepal.

All donations over $2 AUD are tax deductible and receipted by our partner, Global Development Group. To change the lives of children and young people like these pictured below, please utilise our charitable project bank account details referenced here:

· Bank: Commonwealth Bank.
· Branch: Lane Cove, NSW.
· Account type: Cheque Account (‘Business Transaction Account’).
· Account Name: “The Centre for Learning and Children’s Rights”.
· BSB: 062 192
· Account number: 1023 3220

~Please place your name within the transfer subject line for receipt issuing purposes.

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Mission Statement

To provide quality, child-centred, violence-free educational opportunities to as many Nepali children as possible, regardless of age, gender, religion or caste.

Key strategy to achieve this goal: Develop the Heartland Academy (HA), Nepal, into a model school, where child-centred education approaches result in students achieving excellent academic results.

It is our aim to influence educational methods throughout Nepal, so as many Nepali teachers as possible will experience and understand that there are progressive teaching practices, and student management methods, that are available and easy to implement. This will involve the implementation of teacher-training programmes and forums, the creation of Nepali educational resources, and the provision of schooling opportunities to university level for all students regardless of their social background.